Midwestern Adventures

Oh, dear, I’m bad at this, aren’t I?

Oh well. You have my apologies.

I was in Illinois this last week because we’re moving there, and I had to shadow at the school I’ll be going to.

A catholic all-girls school.

Where they have to wear skirts and knee socks.

And write raps about Moses (I wish I was exaggerating).


However, being from the Southwest (can’t tell you which state), everyone automatically assumed I spoke fluent spanish and was actually from Mexico.

We met with a realtor, and at one point she asked me if I took any language classes. I said I took Spanish, and she told me, “Wow, that must be easy for you! You could probably teach it yourself.”

But gets worse.

At my shadow day, two of the girls had evidently made a bet as to whether the state I’m from actually was a state. Another girl came up to me and said, “I heard about you in my biology class. I went to — ——- once and I shot a bunny!”

Um, okay.

Also–Midwesterners are so friendly! I felt like they were going to try and kidnap me or something.